Knowledge Center Ultimate Guide to Exemption Certificate Management

Ultimate Guide to Exemption Certificate Management

Sales tax compliance is getting more complicated after the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.

The challenges of understanding and applying exemption certificates is particularly complex to any size organization transacting across multiple states.

Understanding relevant compliance tasks of collecting, validating, and storing exemption certificates can get extremely tricky; therefore, most companies are outsourcing management of exemption certificates to a suitable service provider.

Our Ultimate Guide to Exemption Certificate Management will help you understand and tackle the following challenges:

  • Identify the right certificate per state and applicable entity.
  • Determine which exemption certificates to use per transaction.
  • Solicit your certificates in a timely and most customer-friendly way.
  • Automate manual and paper-based certificate management processes.
  • Integrate exemption certificate processes with other solutions.